Black Therapist & Psychotherapist in San Antonio TX
Everyone has a purpose in life.

Jacqueline Berry-Jones
Licensed Professional Counselor
Work with the Top Black Therapist in San Antonio Texas
Welcome to my website
People need to be understood, and their voices need to be heard. Life is a journey to be traveled freely and with a sense of purpose. I genuinely believe that everyone has a purpose in life and sometimes needs support to help them navigate through life's journey. Therefore, I create a safe, warm, no judgment environment for you to come to and voice your fears, life stressors, and worries that are preventing you from living your best life.
Give Us a Call and Meet Our Therapist in San Antonio Texas
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Trauma and PTSD
- Relationship
- Marital and
Premarital - Grief
- Family Conflict
- Parenting
- Military Family Issues
- Anger
Management - ADHD
- Hoarding
"Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it."
-Helen Keller